) 5-year-old Becomes "World's Youngest Terrorist" After His Nigerian Mother Recruited Him To ISIS (Photos) - KASY WORLD!

5-year-old Becomes "World's Youngest Terrorist" After His Nigerian Mother Recruited Him To ISIS (Photos)

The grandfather of the British child soldier dubbed 'Jihadi John Junior' has accused ISIS of using the four-year-old 'as a shield' and pleaded for his safe return to Britain.

Isa Dare was seen in a sickening new execution video wearing military fatigues and being forced to declare: 'We are going to kill the kaffir (non-believers) over there.'

His mother is Muslim convert Grace 'Khadija' Dare, 24, from Lewisham, South-East London, who had links to the killers of Lee Rigby and fled to Syria with her son three years ago.

Last night, Isa's grandfather Henry Dare, 59, who is also known as Sunday, spoke of his disgust at ISIS's latest publicity stunt.

But he said of Isa: 'He's my grandson. I can't disown him.' He urged his daughter to return to Britain to 'face the music'.

He told Channel 4 she had called him from Syria 'weeks ago', having 'brought shame' on the family.

His daughter had told him she was going to Egypt to study and when he found out she was in Syria, 'I dropped the phone on her because I was annoyed'.

Asked if he thought his grandson had any idea what he was saying in the video, Mr Dare – of Deptford, South-East London – said: 'No – he's a kid.

'He's a minor, he's under five. He's acting under the influence of ISIS guerrillas. He's too young.'

Mr Dare added: 'He's propaganda. They are just using a small boy. They are using him as a shield.'

Mr Dare said he had reported Grace to the police on three occasions before she left for Syria and told them "she's behaving in a very funny way".

He added: 'They told me, "She's free". They said she's above 18.'

Talking about his feelings for his daughter and her family, he said: 'I don't want to have any contact with them.

'They've let me down. I'm totally disappointed. She was a Christian, she was brought up in a Christian way – all of a sudden she decided to become a Muslim.'

He said he last saw his grandson two or three years ago, 'before they went to Syria'.

Of the discovery that he was in the new ISIS video, he told the Mail: 'I was very surprised.'

He then criticised the authorities over their lack of action to bring his grandchildren back to safety, saying: 'The police are of no help – they're doing nothing.'

The video, which shows five men accused of being UK spies being murdered, is being examined by the British security services who are thought to be confident they have already identified both the boy and the masked fanatic who fronted it.

The majority of the footage, which has yet to be independently verified, features the balaclava-wearing man who labels Mr Cameron 'an imbecile' for launching air strikes in Syria, before killing a prisoner. Four other men then kill a prisoner each.

He speaks in a British accent and appears to mimic the style of the Briton known as Jihadi John – real name Mohammed Emwazi – who was killed in a US drone strike in Syria in November.

Yesterday, there were unconfirmed reports that the 'new Jihadi John' could be British Muslim convert Siddhartha Dhar – a former Hindu from North London who became radicalised and changed his name to Abu Rumaysah. A number of experts disputed this identity.

Grace Dare is believed to have been radicalised online, then began attending the Lewisham Islamic Centre, where Fusilier Rigby's murderers Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale are reported to have worshipped.

The mosque has denied they were part of the congregation. Her mother Victoria said she changed her first name to Khadija after she began attending the mosque.

'I still call her our Grace,' said the mother. 'I want her back in my life. She is the only child that I have and the devil took her away.'

Dare, born in London in 1991 of Nigerian descent, went to Syria in around 2012 and married a Swede known as Abu Bakr. He is now dead.

She used social media to gloat about the beheading of American journalist James Foley and said she wanted to be the first British woman to kill an ISIS hostage.

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