) See What A Father Did To His Own Son - KASY WORLD!

See What A Father Did To His Own Son

 As posted on Facebook by IG Wala:
Eight Years old Chukwuma Okafor is presently on admission at the Kubuwa General Hospital after a brutal beating by his own father. This child was taken to hospital by a Nun whom was said to have been contacted by his school teachers. Yesterday morning, his own father drove him to school in a bad shape and dumped him.
Little Okafor was in serious pain and could barely walk on his leg. The school teachers rushed him to the General Hospital in Kubuwa. After undergoing series of X-ray that the result revealed he has fracture on his leg and hand as a result of beating with a strong object which the boy confirmed to be pestle.
Incidentally, Hassan Maina Kaina, a reporter with VOA Hausa was in the hospital to check on his friend. He saw the boy's condition and encouraged that the matter should be reported to the Police. The school reported the matter to the Police in Kubuwa and Mr. Okafor (his father) has been arrested for child abuse.
The school teachers confirmed that on several occasions, they made effort to intervene on the boy's situation but the father proved stubborn and even threatened them. The scars on the boy's head & back shows how long he has been maltreated by his own father.
Pictures of Chukwuma:

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